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A brief story about how this business came to be….
I am now 77 years old and have been in the music business most of my life… I design and manufacturer saxophones & clarinets.. I design and make the Rheuben Allen saxophones & the Kenny G Saxophones….
Many year ago now when I was in China learning how to make the saxophones I had a major heart attack… Well, I survived and came back to the US for treatment… that ended up being a quadruple bypass… As most of you know I could not lift anything for over a year to speak of… So, I just started typing smart ass sayings in my computer to give me something to do…. I thought some of them were funny and would make a good T-Shirt….
I had a friend in the T-shirt business and he showed me how to get started… and I did…
I recently closed my business in California and moved to Indiana to simi-retire…. Now I have the time to devote to the T-Shirts and it not only gives me something to do but I truly enjoy doing them. I created to have a place for people to see my off the wall sence of humor or insanity…
I hope you find them interesting and funny!
I make the T-Shirts when they are ordered (mostly the same day) and print them slightly light so they will always look the same even after many washings…. I do recommend cold water….
Well, this is just a little about us… thanks for your time….